Tuesday, 5 June 2007

The value is in the using not the owning

#35 Cook through the Edmonds cookbook

These cookies have been a hit at work.

Gingernuts - yum. They look a bit burnt and are quite dry but very tasty. Not at all like a packet biscuit. Would probably taste great with some chopped up crystalised ginger mixed in.

Honey snaps and a cup of tea - Wasn't sure about these as you just drop the mixture onto the tray. No chance to make them look fancy. Plus they are paper thin. Delicious though and getting better as the days go by.

Nutty Golden cookies - well, I know someone likes them. Next time I might chop the peanuts a bit finer as there should probably be more nuts through the whole biscuit.

Measuring spoons. I might buy some new measuring cups too as the size label is fading on the plastic ones. So far there hasn't been a major disaster but I just know that I'm giong to add 1/3 of a cup instead of 1/4 one day.

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