Tuesday, 19 June 2007

The press have jumped the gun

#35 Cook through the Edmonds cookbook
On Sunday I made English muffins for breakfast, honey oat, hokey pokey and chocolate chip cookies, bread and Russian fudge (which is not like chocolate fudge at all except that it is just as delicious.) Most of the day was baking in fact. Baking, cooking or laundry.

#87 A-Z reading challenge - titles
"Getting things done : the art of stress-free productivity" by David Allen
How to structure your working and home environment effectively so that you feel 1. in control and 2. on top of things and 3. you are working effectively and efficiently

What did I think?
There's a lot of really great stuff in here that I will use in the future. I'm doing okay with keeping on top of things at the moment so I'm not going to implement some of the suggestions. Plus I already do a version of some of them so there's no point in changing something that works. (This title is another great example of a 'worldview' thing - it's come up lots of times on various blogs that I read.) Some of the reviews I read say that it is 'amazing' and 'totally changed my life'. One of the more balanced said exactly what I have just said - there's some great things etc etc

"Hot springs of New Zealand" Sally Jackson
Lists hotsprings around New Zealand including location and a description including personal observations.

What did I think?
This also links to #65 Go to a natural hotspring. In fact I got it so I could find one and plan a trip. Unfortunately my original version of a hot spring - not man-made - has turned out to be quite scarce so I'm going to revise. There are natural hot springs e.g.
hot water beach but you don't get much of a soak and that's what I'm after. There are also private pools that you can go to but I'd rather not bother someone. So now the version will be water that is heated naturally in a natural as possible surrounding. I'm still looking. The book itself is very well done and seems to be quite comprehensive. Only annoying thing is the descriptions of springs that you can't go to any more! e.g. the one on the Tongariro crossing.

#1 Tramp a Great Walk

I'm investigating Waikaremoana for this. LoM and I were going to get to it several years agao and just never made it. She has done the walk before and has generously agreed to go again. I've been looking at maps and visitnig websites. We will probably aim for early next year. Since I'm not much of a tramper that should give us enough time to do some practice over-nighters in the big ARC parks.

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