Saturday, 9 June 2007

Incident of blackbirds

I made progress on the following things without even trying today...

#7 Visit all Auckland Regional parks
Boyfriend and I went out for a picnic lunch today. We drove out to a lookout then decided we'd pop over to Muriwai since the view from the lookout wasn't that spectacular. Turns out that Muriwai beach is an ARC park. We drove up and around for a bit before coming back down to the Takapu reserve. The weather wasn't that great though so we didn't do a lot of walking and had our picnic in the van.

#35 Cook through the Edmonds cookbook
Muffins for the picnic (which we ate at home before we left); afghan biscuits with chocolate icing; chocolate nut bar with melted chocolate icing (which I'm a bit worried about, I don't think it's going to set) ; roast chicken with mixed herb stuffing and gravy. Feels like heaps...would have baked more but have run out of butter!
While I love baking, I do think I need to start concentrating on the savoury dishes a bit more. Trouble is, I can't very well take a roast lamb into work for everyone now can I?

#95 Buy some bonus bonds
I hope to get this one marked off within the next couple months. My sister and I have agreed to suspend payments into our joint account. I'll use the money that I'd usually pay to buy some bonus bonds. (Originally I thought I'd use it to pay for shoes but that's not really appropriate is it?)

#43 See a performance that doesn't include anyone I know
Tickets are booked to King Lear on Wednesday 22 August 2007 at 7pm. Circle T30-32. Perhaps I should have read this review first? Probably would have gone anyway. Although I've heard of the lead I don't know him personally so it counts towards this. Now it's just a waiting game.

#54 Write a book for my niece
Have discovered I suck at this. I can't even get past 150 words! Boyfriend is all "haha you're terrible Muriel" because he is up to something like 30,000 words. It does not bode well for #6 Write a novel .

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