Wednesday, 30 May 2007
Featuring an advanced alien race
I'm not that far into this challenge and I'm already thinking that I'll be failing on some of the list. That's okay because it's set up to challenge and move me out of my comfort zone - not that I've done that much of that just yet. Books and reading baby yeah.
I promised myself that I would not post here unless I had made progress on something...and that it wouldn't be more than three days between postings...
#24 Find a food balance between the 'good' and the 'bad' foods
Today I had fruit toast with Nutella for breakfast, a one square meal bar for morning tea, a vege kebab for lunch plus a couple of chocolate thins for afters, a carrot and a piece of cheese for afternoon tea and pork with rice for dinner. I think that's a pretty good balance between good and bad foods. When can I mark it off?
#25 Live eco-smart - recycling etc
I suck at this. There are all the best intentions in the world, gathering the bottles and cans and papers to be recycled, putting them in the bin but not putting the bin out to be collected so that it overflows and won't take any more which means that recycleable things have to go in the rubbish bin because there isn't any space for them in the recycling bin. *sigh*
#39 Complete a '26 things' Flickr challenge
Have to get my skates on for this one as there isn't much time left and I think I've got, 5 things done? Guess it's harder than it looks!
#42 Send a snail mail postcard to nieces
Rather than do this I think I'll send some 'Kiaora' cards to the girls in Australia. Promise I'll take a picture. They're sold by some guy on the street - he appears magically every so often. Nice and colourful although I'm not so keen on the hearts that he's done this time. There is a pretty cool pohutukawa one in the set.
#47 Walk the isthmus
It's 16km. I'm going to need a bit of training before I do this one.
#48 Visit Waiheke island
Hhm. There's a planting day on Monday at the ARC park on Waiheke. I wasn't too keen on using up a day of my weekend to go over to Waiheke but I could mark two off with one visit...#7 Visit all Auckland Regional parks . Weekend plan rethink... nope. I need that time to sort out clothes to wear to work!
Wow. Looks like I've been doing more than I think I've been doing.
Monday, 28 May 2007
bip bip bip
Had a nap on sunday but really only because I had too much to drink on Saturday night (sunday morning!) and not enough food. I'm sure I'm too old for that kind of carry on.
#54 Write a book for my niece
I've decided that this will be a pick a path style book so that she gets to have some control over it. She has already chosen some names, activities, places and modes of transportation which I will use. In order to prove that I'm not cheating ("It doesn't matter which decision she makes, the story will go the same way") I'm going to create another blog where the installments will be listed along with the consequences of the decisions. She did this when she was over for dinner unexpectedly last week. Then we saw them again on Saturday thus putting me ahead in the #40 share a meal with friends or family every two months stakes. (Well, not really because it doesn't count if I stuff them all into a month!)
Friday, 25 May 2007
Don't have more police, just give out pies
Eisler, Barry "Choke point"
About an assassin and his latest mission. Includes an old girlfriend, a new country, an old friend, a new enemy and a new girlfriend.
What did I think?
This I think is number three in the series. Easy to read although squeamish readers may not enjoy the fight and kill descriptions. (Plus if he is a smart assassin why does he make so many mistakes after deriding them in others? Perhaps because he's human?) One of the issues bought up in the books is the challenge soldiers face when they come back home. They are taught to kill and to fight and to stay alive. They see terrible terrible things. When they get home we expect them to just integrate back into society without any problems. This make the character a bit more 'real'. Two comments - One. [hearsay from the 60s] there are high rates of spousal abuse in marriages where the husband is trained for war but doesn't go- he has no way to release the tension built up inside or to prove that he has learnt the lesson. Two. Soldiers who have been to war years ago will still not talk about what they have seen due to trauma. Have we any reason to believe that today's soldiers will get any different treatment? (Actually three comments.) Three. I have heard of someone's grandfather who will not talk about the war. He didn't go to war. He was a conscientious objector in WWII. What must he have experienced in that era of intense patriotism that he still will not talk about it? (Okay. Four comments.) Four. It's not just the soldiers who suffer.
#87 Complete A-Z reading challenge - titles
"Fat" by Rob Grant
A cast of characters all dealing with eating and body size issues. Best characters - sad wasting little Hayleigh and furious Grenville. Worst character - exposition girl who's name I can't be bothered looking up. (She's the myth de-bunker of the novel.)
What did I think?
Fantastic. A book that takes the mystic of dieting, shakes it by neck until it's dead and then chows down. Yes. There are unhealthy fat and thin people out there. Yes. School uniform sizes are going up. So yes. There is a problem. The main 'fact' that annoys me so much it practically makes me froth at the mouth - The BMI. Based on calculations from an insurance company. Goal posts shifted some years ago so that a previously healthy individual was now a overweight individual. No allowance for ethnic background. No allowance for an individual who lifts weights regularly. No allowance for All Blacks. It drives me CRAZY when I see magazine articles still touting this as an essential tool in your body diagnosis. There are much more appropriate measures out there. e.g. waist measure vrs hip measure; waist measure vrs height measure; do your jeans still fit? *froth* * froth* This is discussed in the novel. If nothing else it will make you question what you think you know about health and other weighty issues. (Except for the smoking thing...I haven't quite got my head around that one.)
Reading is going to be postponed on the list for a bit. I've started "Night Watch" by Sergei Lukyanenko. Can't put it down, I'm finding it that interesting. I'm surprised because I don't usually enjoy translated material. It always feels as if there's something missing. A gap between what was meant and what is written. There is a movie based on the book which is where it came to my attention.
#8 Make fudge
Made it. Tastes great. Looks like dirt. Not marking off until it's successful. My sister used to make this when she was 8. How hard can it be?
#100 Send Power company the key to the house.
I received the receipt from the power company today. Hurrah!
Wednesday, 23 May 2007
She's, like, three and I'm a thousand
Here's a blog comment I started but didn't post...
I think the nature of privacy has changed. People post blogs and create social pages to interact with their friends. I don't think it occurs to them that someone external to their personal network might read it. They might never find out either - there are lots of lurkers out there. (I'm one - Hi!) They might find new friends online and extend that personal network and consider it positive most of the time and not regard it any differently to meeting someone at a cafe or in the library. I think it's the difference between meeting someone at a party and having the same someone barge into your home while you're having dinner. So you get an interesting kind of compartmentalised life where someone's actions might contradict other behaviours and they are comfortable with that.
Tuesday, 22 May 2007
Let's fix it
#87 Complete A-Z reading challenge - titles
The Experience economy : work is theatre & every business a stage by B. Joseph Pine II, James H. Gilmore.
Discusses how businesses should be looking to create experiences for customers that are valued and obvious, because that's what will distinguish them from their competitors rather than the commodities they have.
What did I think? Excellent and tied in nicely with the plea for us to become polypan multinarrans from "Darwin's Watch: the Science of Discworld III" by Terry Pratchett, Ian Stewart and Jack Cohen. It's all about the stories people. Think about it. When you go into an over priced cafe and get excellent service do you wonder why it's so crowded? No. You think to yourself "this place has an atmosphere, it has something different about it" - it's creating an experience that is more than just about what you are getting. For example. There is a cafe that I used to frequent in my previous work incarnation. Yes, it was a bit pricey, but I felt it was worth the price because it gave me more than just coffee and a friand. It gave me the chance to imagine that I had a cooler lifestyle where lingering over morning tea was a given. I can't take my boyfriend there because he complains about the price. Loudly. For him there isn't a lifestyle/experience pay-off. Another example. A deli down the road that sells imported cheeses and foods. Slow service, terrible parking but I will go back. Why? Apart from the imported French camembert, it's run by a guy who thought he'd just start a deli business. He cooks in front of you. There are often samples and delicious smells in the shop. The service is slow forcing you to slow yourself down. It's in a village style area with a butcher, fruit shop, wine shop etc. He's found a niche market. It's gourmet living NZ style. (Or English I guess 'cause that's where he's from.) Both these places give me the chance to live a different story. Romanticising? Maybe. Now I'm not saying that everything should be 'experiencentalised' (my word). Personally it would drive me crazy. But it's nice to have those places to go to that let you live in the moment and pretend to be someone else.
The book is hard work for a few chapters then it gets going. Read it.
#24 Find a food balance between the 'good' and the 'bad' foods. I had a piece of rich chocolate cake and 3 mandarins plus 1 apple today. I think that's a balance baby.
Monday, 21 May 2007
"That's a damned lie!" "Yes - what's your point?"
Isn't it funny how sometimes you dread reading something because you think it is going to be dry and unappealing and make you think...then you start and realise that yes, it's making you think but this is actually a good thing and wow, it links in with that other book you read even though you are pretty sure that one was picked up randomly and the other came from a work-related blog you were reading? This happens to me fairly regularly and the E-title book falls into this category. But, I don't have it with me so you will just have to wait because I want to quote bits out of it.
#2 Make alphabet cubes. I want to experiment with some of the fabrics in a style similar to this. But then I wouldn't be able to show anyone...
#35 Cook through the Edmonds cookbook. I've made some more things out of this - scrambled eggs, ANZAC biscuits, bran muffins. I used a silicon tray for the muffins. First time I've used one and I have to say, it's a little weird. The muffins tasted quite okay. I really MUST get measuring spoons.
#43 See a performance that doesn't include anyone I know. Investigating shows at Silo Theatre. I like the look of them all! Dammit. On the plus side I only know one guy in one play (Lobby hero) for the rest of the year. Now I just have to figure out which one to go to. Leaning toward Three days of rain because the theatre did "Take me out" by the same playwright last year and I really enjoyed it.
Did a variation on #50 and wore only skirts to work last week. Interesting. I think it was probably a bit colder last week than it has been (and for winter it's positively summery) so wearing skirts wasn't the best option for staying warm. I ended up wearing a woolen coat in the morning just so I could feel my fingers.
#63 Buy food from the Farmers Market. Went back to the Farmers Market just so I could say that it wasn't a oncer. Bought 2 bags of mandarins, 1 bag of apples, 1 pain au chocolat. Mmmm. Delicious. Plus I feel good that the food we're eating comes from a place that I can cycle to.
Friday, 18 May 2007
pizza boyee?
Thursday, 17 May 2007
Wot duz yr hart tel u

#86 Complete A-Z reading challenge - authors.
Doyle, Roddy "Not just for Christmas"
A heartwarming tale of two brothers who finally come face to face after not seeing each other for over 20 years.
What did I think? Well, I feel like I cheated with this one. It's part of an adult literacy series. therefore it's short. It's short, but it's good. A bit of tension, some laughs and a sweet ending. It feels like a longer book condensed into a plot outline. Great quick read.
Alas, poor #100 Send Power company the key to the house. It feels like the universe is conspiring against you and you are not meant to be completed. I've had the key but not the form; I've had the form but not the key; I've had the form and the key but no envelope; I've had the form, the key and the envelope but no postbox; I've had the post box...but no envelope with the form and the key. It's been at least 3 years since I first tried to get you done. Tomorrow I will make a concerted effort to finish you off.
#76 Attend films I want to see - by myself if necessary. Not so much attend as watch for this one. I haven't seen "Brokeback mountain" yet. Good 'ole library DVD collection. Hopefully it will come through before the weekend so I can watch it when my boyfriend isn't here. He's seen bits and says "it isn't [his] thing".
#68 Replace lightblubs with eco-friendly ones . I'm not planning to replace them all - just the lightbulbs that we leave on for a long time. I have bought two as a starter and plan to replace the lightbulbs in the lounge when they go. They are frosted so we won't get the same 'star-burst' effect as we get now but that's okay. (The lampshade is slatted (original retro 70s) so un-frosted lightblubs shine through and cast a groovy shadow on the ceiling. It used to annoy me but now I like it.)
Am feeling quite tired so I believe that '#73 Have a regular nap on the weekend ' will get an airing this weekend. I used to have a regular nap on Sunday afternoon when I was cycling a lot. Now I don't feel that I deserve it. Maybe I could convince a friend to go cycling with me again on Sunday morning (maybe to a cafe??) so I can feel virtuous again. About having a nap at least.
Maybe I will #5 tomorrow.
Tuesday, 15 May 2007
Don't cry for me. Argentina
#25 Live eco-smart - recycling etc. From No Impact Man I've found Crunchy Chicken who looks like a fairly eco smart kinda gal. She is running Low Impact Week in June. This is a list of stuff you can do - she has other posts. I've a bit gutted to find out that using a dishwasher is more eco friendly than washing by hand. Course it would mean more if we actually had a dishwasher...
That's about it. I've been reading off the lists *shock!* *horror!* and getting a bit agitated because it's taking longer than a couple days to finish.
God, this feels like work. Lots of projects at the starting point or half-way through but nothing I can point to and say 'It's finished.'
Monday, 14 May 2007
Let's hear more about the yurt
"Dark side of the sun" Terry Pratchett
About a little green man who travels through space looking for the ultimate secret of his universe.
What did I think? Initially I was disappointed - it's billed as a Discworld book but is quite quite different to that series. Plus I'm not too keen on 'scientific language' and words that I can't even pronounce in my head. However, okay overall. A fun way to spend a couple hours. (I think I have read this before but somehow managed to block it out of my mind. I think I thought it was by Douglas Adams which is ridiculous. They're nothing alike. Well, not much alike.)
#86 Complete A-Z reading challenge - authors.
Collins, Max Allan "Before the dawn"
(Continuing with 'Dark Angel' (c.f. #93) I thought I'd read the novelised prequel to the story.) It follows Max as she tracks one of her brothers to Seattle and makes a life for herself.
What did I think? Just. Stay. Away. There aren't enough words to say how awful this is. Cheesy, cliched, badly simile-d, dodgy scenarios, uncomfortable characterisation. He's written a lot of other novels, mostly based on other TV shows, and is apparently also responsible for "Road to Perdition" the graphic novel. Even so. Stay far, far away.
Sunday, 13 May 2007
Black Spidey is so emo

Had a friend up to watch a couple of DVDs ("Kinky boots" heeheehee and "Friends with money" Comedy? you are kidding me! Also - why does Jennifer Aniston always look so sad?). Practised making margaritas. Points to note 1. Don't make drinks with lots of crushed ice when it's cold outside. 2. make sure the jug of drink is within easy reach. i cooked breakfast this morning so '#40 share a meal with friends or family every two months' is covered for this double-month.
#86 Complete A-Z reading challenge - authors.
Bray, Libba "A great and terrible beauty"
First in a series about a girl who is sent from her home in India to a boarding school in England after her mother dies. She has some strange and terrible, mystical experiences which put her and her friends (and the whole world) in danger.
What did I think? Interesting characters and character development make this a teen novel to enjoy. The characters aren't perfect - even the heroine - which makes them all the more interesting. Found through reader suggestions on 'A List Of Things Thrown Five Minutes Ago'. The comments have disappeared from the post that I think mentioned this book so can't confirm (Wednesday 11 April, um 12 april? Not sure.)
Thursday, 10 May 2007
Just another boring blog entry title
I've been investigating 83. Do anti-cranky diet. It's from here. After checking the cupboards I figure I have to buy in 95% of the food. (Who has Flaxseeds in their cupboard? And Brussell sprouts? Bleuchh.) I'm not even sure where to get some of the stuff. A friend has recommended the local organic store...I've been in once but foudn it intimidating. I like to get in and out and not have to interact with people too much. Plus I tend to spend quite easily so I might go in planning to spend no more than $20 and come out with $70 worth of stuff! (Speaking of food budgets, check this out Hungry for a Month I haven't been able to bring myself to read it all yet...I already feel guilty about the amout of $$ I spend on the sheer quantity of food I eat.) I will have to brace myself. And maybe take a friend.
#25 Live eco-smart - recycling etc. I'm halfway there with this one. I put things to be recycled into the bucket in the kitchen. Then my boyfriend empties the bucket into the regular rubbish bin. *sigh* Mental note - complete the cycle...
#86 Complete A-Z reading challenge - authors. I've finished 'A'. No, it wasn't Miss Jane.
Abercrombie, Joe "The Blade itself".
A fantasy (in swords and magic vein) about a diverse group of characters who all face trials and tribulations including life-threatening situations that almost get the better of them. Mostly male characters but a couple of women are tracked as well. A band of them are drawn together (mystically woo-wooooo) and by the end of the book are preparing to set off on their mission...
What did I think? Really enjoyed it and can't wait to get my hands on the second one. Quite violent and bloody in places (sometimes I worry about fiction writers). Surprisingly easy to follow considering that each chapter follows a different character who have different personalities. I'm waiting for the comeuppance for a couple and the redemption of a couple of others. One thing I particularly enjoyed was the writing style - clipped, thoughtful, confidential, descriptive. It's hard to go past a book that has the stellar line "Like! A! Fucking! Chicken!" (pg 300 in my copy.)
Wednesday, 9 May 2007
Big ups ma brother
No progress on #44 Go without Alcohol for a month and check results although #22 Do a wine tasting course is goig well - minuse the formality and course bit.
Planning to do a few things over the weekend - hopefully they cmoe off. We've also got our main vehicle back which will heklp in quite a few of the things I'm planning oto do over the weekend.
Maybe one of those things should be speel chekc?
Tuesday, 8 May 2007
trn off yr tv
"Alta" Mercedes Lackey
About a boy who used to be a slave but now rides a dragon that he tamed so can hold his head up high among the rich and powerful. Has escaped the slave life to return to his homeland. Since that home land is at war with the place he escaped from he manages to convince the authorites that he can help train up more dragons like his own thus giving them controllable sober killing machines as opposed to the drugged up killing machines they have now. Along the way he falls in love, is taken into the confidence of the heir-apparent and discovers a foul plot.
What did I think? Unfortunately I leant my lesson too late - this is the second in a series which I didn't pick up until about halfway through the book. I wondered why there was so much reference to 'before' and 'when I was a slave'. Maybe this contributed to the disjointed feeling I got from reading the book. It seemed like there was a lot of action going on in the background but because it was boring it was just ignored. Recommend you read something else of hers instead.
"Bowling alone : the collapse and revival of American community" Robert D. Putnam.
About the decrease and decline of social capital in the States and how this led to social problems. Filled with lots of tables and interesting facts and figures about different generations and how changes affected them.
What did I think? Unfortunately I was reading to find out how to fix the problem, not the casues and reasons for it. The author doesn't have this solution, only suggestions and challenges for social groups and individuals. Overall an interesting, challenging read but ultimately useless to me. (Probably should be recommended reading for college classes in USA though.) It did make me think about other social trends e.g. crafting, eco-chic, etc and whether the revival of these old-style pursuits would also lead to a revival in volunteering and group social activities. Probably not - I think we're still a world of spectators. Or more appropriately, lurkers.
"A Canticle for Leibowitz" Walter M. Miller
About an order of monks (not monkees) who protect data and documents hoping to one day turn it into knowledge. Leibowitz is the founder who was responsible for booklegging items for preservation after a cataclysmic disaster. The book is in three parts and covers a number of generations and years. Do the monks contribute to the saving of civilisation? Does humanity learn humanity or is it doomed to repeat past mistakes?
What did I think? Unfortunately...there is no unfortunately. I'm not even sure why I read this (Maybe those dastards at Unshelved? Hhm, apparently not) but after a slow start I began to enjoy it. By the end I was marvelling that this book had been written in 1959 as it seemed particularly relevant to todays situation. I found some of the sentence constructs hard to cope with - I'm not much good at reading the religious stuff and I hate having to translate things. (So I didn't...hope it wasn't important.) If you can get through it though it's a great commentary on the human condition. Recommended.
do not leave your longings unattended
#87 Complete A-Z reading challenge - titles 3/26 and started #86 Complete A-Z reading challenge - authors. Reviews to come.
#97 'Run' from home to my home town. 4/160km. There's a long way to go.
#93 Watch 'Dark Angel' on DVD. Complete. Mental note - next time watch Season One BEFORE Season Two. A whole lot of things made so much more sense. Verdict to come.
#2 Make alphabet cubes. I have a niece who is only new - she will be 1 in september. I'm planning to make her some alphabet cubes which I have never done before. But of course I have to do something tricky - I want her to be able to spell her names out. That means I need at least 6 cubes for the longest name. Then I want her to be able to spell the names of her friends and family which means that certain letters can't be on the same block - e.g. D and J and O. Add to that the fact that I want to include the Maori alphabet making it 28 letters rather than 26 and it all gets a bit complicated. I think I've figured out what I need to do to ensure that it will work. I'm thinking of mocking some up in paper before I start cutting and sticking. Plus I have to buy some fabric scissors. I do have the fabric and a sewing machine!
#50 No black to work for a week. Done and laundered. This was an interesting experiement. I had to combine clothes that I normally wouldn't wear together. Surprisingly this went down quite well with my colleagues. What did I learn? That you should always try new combinations of things. (Thank god it's over though!)
Thursday, 3 May 2007
Work hard for the money, ooh, ohh
Have been doing a bit of research for some of the other things - good vegetarian recipes, ARC park locations. "Be Prepared" etc etc
Thankfully there is only one more day of 'no black' to go. (#50) I swear I'm wearing nothing but black this weekend.
I haven't finished or started anything else so far. One positive is that my boyfriend has also got interested in doing some different stuff. Well, specifically helping me cook through the Edmonds cook book (#35) Now, I didn't say that I was going to cook through the book right? So I don't actually have to cook the things, as long as it gets done. Right?
Wednesday, 2 May 2007
That's just crazee talk Mr Hickey
Update #93 - Season one has arrived. Is it too geeky that I watched half an episode at work? And that I'm loving it?
Update #87 - still reading
Update #101 - tweaking to read "Plant a tree for Arbor day." There's an ARC planting mission on Queens birthday - the day before. Near enough is close enough I say.
update #50 - 3/5 days with no black worn to work.
update #52 - spent the pig money on icecream from the ice-cream van. yumyum! but. yeah. oops.
Tuesday, 1 May 2007
On a whim
Update #93 - watch Dark Angel on DVD. I'm getting it from the library and the first discs from Season one have started coming through. Unfortunately it's discs 4,5,6 and not 1,2,3. 1 is on it's way, 2 is out and god only knows what's happening with 3. On it's way soon hopefully.
I've started '#50 Don't wear black to work for a week' by mistake really. Yesterday I wore brown and blue, today brown and red. Tomorrow I'm going to wear brown and pink. Tomorow I'll also be doing some washing.
Um, what else? Well, my friend has finally finished her list which has a number of very cool, challenging, exciting things on it. I'd link, but she's made it invitees only (so I'm hoping I'm going to get an invite!) BUT one of the things on her list (I think) is to plant a tree on her birthday which is this Saturday. I've suggested we sneak the list and plant it on Sunday at one of the Auckland Regional Parks - Tawharanui ( #7 Visit all Auckland Regional Parks.) I have a HUGE vehicle bill coming up so I can only give her time as a present. Isn't that all anyone wants though?