Two more films today. One in the Academy Theatre which has comfy seats but an aisle down the middle meaning noone gets to sit centre screen.
"The Planet" - about global change (not just climate change) and how humans have affected the earth. A bit like a music video at times (pulsating bass with environmental sounds and conversation snippets) but also inspiring and depressing all at the same time. Some very interesting talking heads. The experts did come out at the end and say what they thought we could do - it's all about getting to a tipping point of positive public opinion and action before we get to the tipping point of global decline.
"How to cook your life" - About a zen chef (tenzo?) who teaches cooking at the same time as dispensing wisdom. Sounds a bit pretentious but was quite enlightening. Actually resonated with me quite a bit as I'm learning a lot during my quest to cook through the Edmonds. It's not about the cooking or the baking, it's about other things.
#74 Cook risotto from scratch
Last night I cooked Jamie Oliver's pumpkin risotto. It took ages but was worth the effort in the end. Next time I think I will pick the thyme leaves off before I start cooking AND leave out either one of the three dairy ingredients that get added in at the end. The recipe didn't say to leave any of them out but all three made it very cheesy and rich. Tasty but. We ended up with heaps so it was lucky that LoM was over for dinner. (#40 Share a meal with friends or family every two months.) Oh, and I knocked 3 more recipes off the #35 Cook through the Edmonds cookbook as well.
What are the 'other things' that you are learning from the Edmonds?!?
hhm, well I guess that the skills that I'm learning in baking/cooking is enough that I can concentrate on other things like chatting and drinking. That cooking/baking is about sharing sustenance and life with other people. That baking doesn't have to be perfect for others to appreciate it. That sorta thing.
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