Sunday, 30 March 2008

what we have here is a failure to masticate *

#37 See a film at the Matakana theatre
I went to see "Once" in Matakana last night. Bit of a trek to get up there (80mins return) but the theatre was lovely and the film was great. I had a chocolate ice-cream waffle cone and a flat white. I could have had a glass of wine but it was dark and scary out there on the roads so coffee seemed like the best option. I was in the Roxy theatre - styled in blue fabrics woven across the ceiling with flocked wallpaper on the walls. Very comfy seats and a good sized side table. There are lazy boys at the front of the theatre but I think you'd have to crane your neck up to see the screen. Guess that's why the seats recline!

I've adjusted a few of the completed/in progress tasks to "COMPLETE/ONGOING" to better describe their nature. After all, #9 Meditate should be an ongoing process and having listed as complete does not really say what I'm aiming for.
Here's a list...
#9 Meditate
#25 Live eco-smart - recycling etc
#68 Replace lightblubs with eco-friendly ones
#76 Attend films I want to see - by myself if necessary

* David Hewlett on the messy eating habits of his son

Monday, 24 March 2008

large following among the tech demographic

#49 Read Montana fiction winners of the last 10 years
1999 The vintner's luck / Elizabeth Knox.
1998 Live bodies / Maurice Gee.

And thus concludes my romp through the Montana Fiction winners of the last 10 years.

Checking these two against my previously list of Montana characteristics...
  • authors surnames usually start with J or G (close:check)
  • they like multiple narratives and multiple narrators (close:close)
  • recurring themes are drugs (nope:nope); sex (check:check - but not the good kind); murder (check:nope); homosexuality (check check - with an angel no less!:nope); illness (check:check - bonus points for mental illness); detachment from regular society (close-ish (for a bit of the story): mmm, not so much)

Friday, 7 March 2008

there is nothing to bicker about

#60 Take part in an event for charity
I think my participation in this is dead in the water. After finding a team and training seriously for it, two team members pulled out or rather, defected to another team. Then the other person (LoM who has been frustratingly silent about the whole thing) pulled out too. I foolishly said that I'd refund their money which means I'm stuck with the $500 registration fee unless OXFAM take pity on me and refund it. It's so close now though that I'm not sure they will.

The closeness to the event is the main reason I think it won't be a goer. I haven't managed to find either 3 people to join me or a team to join so although I was staying positive about it 3 days ago now I'm all "Fuck it. I'll watch TV instead."

so there is something good to come out of the whole ugly debacle.

Wednesday, 5 March 2008

buck up carson *

#9 Meditate
Doing before I go to sleep each night. Mostly it's a white light/aura expansion thing but every so often I throw in a little chakra imaging as well. I'm not sure if I'm doing it correctly, or rather most effectively. It's fun though and really interesting to see/feel how long it takes to get centered each night.

* Col. Sheppard to Dr Beckett in Stargate Atlantis