Wednesday, 3 October 2007

Only famous for being famous

#46 Assemble Civil Defence kit
In a couple weeks it will be "Get thru" disaster coping week. I PROMISE I'll get to this one then. (Appropriate cause it's been bucketing down round here and I'm not sure that our hillside is going to continue to cope with it...) (Well, not really. A little self scaremongering never hurt anyone right?)

#95 Buy some bonus bonds
Payday tomorrow! Heres my chance to get this one done. Friday. Definitely Friday.

#51 Visit North Shore literary locations
Maybe this weekend.

I know it seems as though a lot is planned but I think it's a reaction against my slothfulness over the last few weeks. Since I sorted 86 and 87 it's felt like I haven't been working on anything. LoM is back and we'll be chivvying, erm, encouraging each other to get things done. It's interesting to see that the easy things that don't require much effort on my part are often put off because of the very fact that they are easy and shouldn't take too long.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

MAYBE this weekend?!?!?!?! It is planned...and I will not be getting up at 6.45am to be put off again! Be there...or be a dork!