Saturday, 14 July 2007

My tornado hell

#87 A-Z reading challenge - titles
New Spring" by Robert Jordan
A prequel to his Wheel of Time series which is up to book 11 and still counting. It is the story of Moiraine, how she became Aes Sedai and how she bonded Lan to her.

What did I think?
This is pretty good. I used to read the Wheel of Time series but sort of lost interest when the books a) became big enough to use as door stops, b) contained no movement or story advancement and c) took ages to be published. After reading this I think I'll go back to it. The characters are a bit annoying (does she have to be so snooty? does he have to be so aloof?) so don't start reading unless you love fantasy books and think you might like to start a loooong, epic series.
Fun fact #1 - I always cry a couple of tears in the same place in the first book every time I read it. Every time.
Fun fact #2 - I once walked into a book store and was up at the counter paying for a book in this series before I'd even realised that it was on display. Magic.

This title also counts in #70 Read the books I own but haven't read. Surprinsingly there weren't that many of them. Well, not that many if I don't count the ones I have read and then bought but not read after buying. So far I've read "New Spring" and...
Wizard of the pigeons" by Megan Lindholm.
About wizards in Seattle - or are they just ordinary people with mental issues?
What did I think?
Loved it. The characters, the situations, the mix of magic and realism. I think there are some fuzzy edges around the plot but I was too busy enjoying myself to care. This author also writes as Robin Hobb who I highly recommend. (Except for her latest which I just couldn't get into.)

I am finally starting to get better. There is still a tiny cough plaguing me but it will hopefully be gone by Monday because I am #66 Attend some festival events - arts, literature, movies etc. I have 4 movies to see as part of the film festival. Since they are cheaper than ordinary movies (because I got in on the earlybird rate) they will count as #57 Have a cheap-as-chips movie day - all movies, all day. I'm really looking forward to them. I used to belong to the film festival when I was just a young thing but somehow I lost sight of how much I enjoyed it. The four films I am seeing on Monday are "A world of shorts" (short films from around the world), "The great happiness space" (Japanese club for women run by men - if you get my drift...), "Manufactured landscapes" (building and progress in China) and "Helvetica" (about the font). There are three others booked on other days too. I'm just ticked I can't afford more films and more time off to see them.

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