Saturday, 28 April 2007

It all starts with one tiny little step

Kiaora kiaora kiaora. It's taken me a week to finalise my list but it's done and dusted. I'm using the list to give me an 'excuse' or a 'kick in the behind' to do some things that I have been thinking about for a while. (Keen observers will notice a couple of major 'things to do' missing from the list - I don't need any outside encouragement to get those things done so they are not there. )

I got the idea from
Get Rich Slowly but it really came together when I looked at
Triplux and the others. I guess I'm just a sucker for a list.

Day 1 - 28 April 2007
Day 1001 - 28 January 2010

1 comment:

LeftofMay said...

Love it all!! Although don't forget Triplux's advice - keep them specific....go to some arty events?!? Still working on my list....and better yet - an appropriate blog name!