Sunday, 26 February 2012

2.16 Go to the marae

My Dad's whanau come from a marae that is close to Wellington. I've been there once 14 years ago for a reunion. Now I'm in Wellington I was going to visit. Unfortunately that visit was hastened by the sudden death of a second cousin.
The marae has changed a bit in 14 years. It's a little community hub with the usual elements of a marae - wharenui, wharekai, washhouse etc - plus some extras - kohanga reo rooms and a giant garden.
A very sad occasion in which to reconnect with the whanau.

Friday, 17 February 2012

2.21 Go to a Phoenix game

Thanks to a serendipitous twitter encounter I ended up at the Wellington Phoenix vs. Brisbane Roar game. It was quite eventful.  I was lucky to be hosted by a season ticket holder who was very kind to this football newbie. We stood with the Yellow Fever crowd. (Apparently one buys tickets then sits in the general area; close to but not on allocated seats.) Lots of singing and (mostly) good natured slagging.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

2.86 Watch the Blessing of the Boats

The Blessing of the Boats is an annual ceremony held during the Island Bay Festival. It came with southern Italian settlers to the southern end of the North Island. The blessing ensured the safety and success of the fishermen.  In Island Bay the boats travel out of the sheltered bay, into Cook Strait, around the Island, back into the bay, to slowly putter past the boat with the priest before speeding up and milling around with the other boats that have been blessed.
There's a great variety - from tiny dinghies to cruisers to working boats.  

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Round Two.

Back for Round Two. Prompted by The Happiness Project - to "think about feeling good, feeling bad and feeling right in an atmosphere of growth." In Round One I did things that I wouldn't have if there wasn't a list that I could check off.
This time I'm concentrating on things that:
1. Have a clear start and finish (no long term resolutions.)
2. Are focused on my new circumstances. (Along I may have signed up to spend too much money and this may be an issue...I'll see.)
NB. There are many 101 tasks in 1001 days projects all over the Internet. Have a look!