Sunday, 22 February 2009

due to a wrinkle of the rules

#34 Attend a music at the zoo concert
On a slightly cloudy and very humid night, I, irkstyle, did attend a Zoo Music concert. Hot, sweaty, covered in sunscreen and anti-insect spray I made my camp behind the stage along a pathway. There were a lot more people than I was expecting and they had all arrived before me. I was by the generator but the performers all played so loudly that it didn't matter AND my spot was really close to the coffee bar. Score!

I missed a lot of Paul Ubana Jones' set unfortunately because he was teh awesome. Jangly, foot tapping guitar music with rolling, repeating themes.

Nathan Haines and his band were next up. Liked it all and especially enjoyed two tracks - one with tenor saxophone (something about memories or memphis or twilight?) and one with a flute (can't remember anything else about this one unfortunately.) (When I was in school he was my inspiration for learning the saxophone - anything was possible. Except for the fact that I was never going to be anything but slightly above average and that was only because I had years of piano under my belt so could transpose on the fly.)

Last up was Hollie Smith. I wasn't sure how I would like this and unfortunately I wasn't in the mood for her particular brand of music - maybe if I'd had a couple glasses wine I'd have been a bit more mellow. No worries though, I skipped out into the zoo to have a look around. Most of the animals were locked away but I did see a turtle and a small alligator swishing its way along the tiny river in the enclosure.

Overall a good night out. Lots of people were enjoying themselves - eating, playing poker, drinking, listening to the music.

Dinner was delicious - salmon salad, fruit salad, a chocolate bar plus coffee and a lemon lime drink.

Sunday, 15 February 2009

he says okey dokey *

# 29 Learn basic Spanish
I've enrolled in a community education course to learn basic spanish. We reached the limit of my spanish in one evening. eek! still can't spell the words properly.

#34 Attend a music at the zoo concert
Have booked my ticket. couldn't find anyone to go with so am going by myself. Planning menu soon.

#39 '26 things' Flickr challenge
Completed this. It's no longer based off Flickr although that's where the majority of people save their photos. I found out about it late then put it off so most of the photos are taken on the very last day of January 2009. Most of the time I like my idea but not the execution so much. Favs - in the distance, twin, different, everything.

#66 Attend some festival events - arts, literature, movies etc
The Auckland Festival is coming up and I have booked/will be booking for 5 shows. go me! I have dance, circus, theatre, circus and theatre in my list. no opera. (not my bag baby.)

* Supernatural